How It Works

Overview: Dedicated Assistant

The Voltak LTD Dedicated Assistant program assigns one of our assistants to work specifically for you. A dedicated virtual personal assistant will get to know your project requirements, working style, and how you want your outputs. Dedicated Assistants help our members gain perspective and clarity by taking on-going tasks off their to-do list so our members can focus on the big picture. The working relationship that can be built with a dedicated personal assistant is invaluable

A dedicated virtual personal assistant equals individualized and personalized service without the added expenses usually associated with a new employee. You do not need to worry about technology costs, office space, health insurance, 401(k) contributions or taxes.

The Dedicated Assistant service gives you access to your own skilled agent, dedicated to your needs, accessible by email, IM and phone. Dedicated Assistants are available 24 hours 5 days a week from Sunday Night through Friday night.

Your Dedicated Assistant will bill only for the time spent working on your specific project, in 5 minute increments. You can always see how much time you have remaining in your month’s plan in the Voltak LTD Portal.

Voltak LTD utilizes a Primary/Secondary DA system. You will always be working with your Primary DA, but if he/she happens to be out of the office, a Secondary DA who has been trained on your work from when you sign-up, can step right-in and complete your tasks seamlessly. This key factor differentiates the Voltak LTD DA program from other providers and demonstrates the benefits of our scale.

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